Five Weirs Walk

A Walk Along The River Don. It was a warm and pleasant, if somewhat overcast Sunday afternoon in June, almost a month to the day from the first tentative easing of the UK’s lock-down, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson had announced in early May, the first stages of relaxing the strict protocols governing travel and outside activities, that had been in place since late March. Even though we had been granted the relative freedom to venture outside, I felt a certain reluctance to do so. The stress of the unprecedented circumstances, and the severe curtailment of personal freedom and liberties, resulted in an over-cautious aversion to activities that many of us had taken for granted and had never given second thoughts to previously. The dawning realisation that life must carry on, if we were ever to regain some semblance of normality, led me to making the spontaneous decision to pack up my camera in a small shoulder bag and set off. But where? Catchin...