Overlooked And Forgotten: Returning To The World Beyond My Front Door.

Rediscovering Curiosity. The world beyond my front door has certainly changed since my last post: it seems a little darker and perhaps a more threatening place than it did a few years ago. In these turbulent times I think it’s more important than ever to find those quiet places in which we can take refuge and find time to disconnect from the breakneck pace of modern life. Changes have occurred in my own circumstances too, cameras have come and gone, passions and interests have waxed and waned. Years have passed. Perhaps it’s the growing awareness of the time slipping by in my own life that motivates me now to return to more creative and fulfilling endeavours. While the world beyond my front door has in some instances grown more overcast and ugly, there are still beautiful and interesting places waiting to be investigated and uncovered. The technical requirements of this blog have also changed. I’ve recently tried a new layout as the old one was starting to look ...